Unleashing women's power one story at a time.
Beauty Unchained
Invisible? Not exactly.
We are modern women over 50.
When we speak, we expect to be heard.
When we ask questions, we listen to the answers.
We hold power.
We enjoy what we’ve earned and share what we have -
thereby making miracles.
We find wonder in small things and seek to know more.
When our soul speaks, we act on its promptings.
We are Women of a Certain Age and we are a force.

Dapper Cat image by Dee Dee (@deedeewashere)
Editor's Note

About Time
Time has been on my mind a lot lately, though I’m not sure it’s on my side, if I may channel Mick Jagger. That doesn’t mean it’s not on my side, just that time is pretty much indifferent to me. A neutral force. It just is.
So I am intensely aware of time’s flow. Gushing, a mountain river alive with spring melt off, roaring down and away.
Sometimes time feels slow. Right now, it feels incredibly fast. I find myself wanting to stop it, a fools errand for sure. Since I can’t pin it down, I’m letting it take me on – literally – the wild ride of my life.
​But there is one way to make the moments stand out. Love the absolute freaking hell out of them. The cat purring in the sun. The bud ready to burst. My husband’s even breath as he sleeps.
Time has taught me this small truth: Love is the one true way to make time matter.
So consider this an early Valentine, from my heart to yours. Whatever way love shows itself in your life (and here I’m grateful to the Greeks for enumerating the possibilities: Eros, agape, philia, pragma…), may you love the moments, hours, days and months of your life. In spite of everything. Because of everything. Time is rushing on, so the time to love is now.
XO Jean
Big Ideas & Small Wonders
Certain Women
Badass women shattering stereotypes and making life more interesting and fun.